Bless You Jesus... as one small part of Your spiritual body ... I am seated united with You at rest ... receiving Father's will with a grateful heart as I stand with the heart of Your disciples  who are thanking You in unison that Father God's Kingdom has come on earth... as it is already established in heaven....  and is doing so in a way that man can no longer deny or be blinded to.   I thank You lord Jesus... that is has already been accomplished... and was done so... since the foundations of the world... and it is coming into manifestation for all to experience and to know as their intimate reality.  Thank You for intervening in our lives and revealing YourSelf and Your Kingdom within ... even in our mists. Thank You that we have the mind of Christ... and can clearly hear Your thoughts and intents.. and through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit as You promised... have overcome fear... lies... and all which is sin.  Thank You for the power to walk in a newness of life... our having surrendered our sin nature to You for crucifixion. 

Praise You that I am seated with You Jesus as promised... at rest.... receiving., through Your Holy Spirit alive interceding through me....  a manifestation of Father God's Kingdom on earth... as it already is established... and was established since the foundations of the world... in heaven, as a daily possibility for Your Own ... You have caused me to walk in this realm of spiritual enlightenment already... revealing to me... it began to be manifested in a powerful way the first day it was prayed and received as  truth... and as a possibility in the minds of men ... after You Jesus were crucified according to Father's loving and mysterious plan for man... and the beginnings of the manifestation came into being in a new way when You Jesus were resurrected.... overcoming sin and death...  and the power of the flesh to rule our spirits... that we might each be reconciled to our heavenly father as eternal spiritual beings of love and truth... through Your righteousness... making us holy in Dad's sight and blameless in His eyes as Your descendants.  

Bless You.. Father... Abba... Dad... that in each of our  lives... Your Kingdom is manifested when we are first given spiritual eyes to see Your Kingdom within and it's truths around us, revealing the evidence of the Holy Spirit within... leading us into all truth... as a part of our daily reality.... through our having  freely chosen to abide in You Jesus and dad's completed work for mankind as it is ushered in to existence in mysterious ways and with unlimited power. 

Thanks Dad... Your Kingdom is here daily already... being manifested through each of Your children... even if we are unaware. Thanks for those who give Your love a chance. I would ask You... to brings the worlds focus on the goodness of Who You are... and the truth of what You are manifesting through Your love... mercy and the love and peace and joy of Your descendants.

Thanks that Your Kingdom is ever growing...   spreading... just not always like we first imagined or have seen in days gone by... or in ways our natural eyes can comprehend....  for it is spiritually discerned... and abides forever.  Thank You for that inner knowing... and quickening which touches us deep within... and keeps us from having to seek low and high for that which is within.

In days gone by... we have not always understood  the present reality of what You have already done... and walked.. lived it... as a daily reality that we love to be mindful of... Some are searching... pleading... with hopes for it someday, some have heard it will not be evident until after their own death ... some have a false concept of what it looks like.  You say... 'only believe' ... listen... trust.... receive.... surrender to truth.

You having caused me to become one with Your fire...  have revealed to me... Your Kingdom is often perceived by our limited minds  to be something it is not.... and we must surrender or limitations ... in order to enter in.  Thank You for revealing to us we are  to let go of our limited concepts... perceptions... perspectives... preconditions...  so Your Knowledge.... Your wisdom... Your righteousness... love... peace... joy... Your Kingdom can come forth in spirit and in truth. Thank You that we can die daily to what once was.. to receive that which simply is.

You have revealed to me as more and more of us come to see... through Your eyes of eternity... that in our present day... we are eternal spiritual beings bringing Your Kingdom on earth through each of our personal lives... thus Your Kingdom is daily being manifested for others to enter in.

Those I stand with by faith...  have... like myself... asked for Your will to be accomplished in our lives... and You have answered.  Thank You we are in Your will and You ARE directing our paths.  In Your timing... through Your ways...  Your eternal loving purposes... You are  doing it.... bless You!  May we ever listen for your voice in our Present moments. 

Thank You for revealing Your desire ... Your power ... for... in... each life. Sometimes we have mistaken Your  revealed answers... a work in progress... for a work of the enemy of our soul. I know You forgive us and there is no condemnation in this... Bless You for helping us to forgive ourselves... so nothing can separate us from Your love ... for this limits Your power within... even so... You breaks through... and reveal to us that which we need to know to continue ever forward in our spiritual journey.

Thank You Your Spirit within us grows... and increases our capacity to receive more... according to Your plan for each of our lives.... as we die daily to what once was.... and our demands of what it should be.  Thank You for revealing Your goodness... empowering us to trust You completely with our care... 

Bless You for bringing us to the place of recognizing Your intervention is each of our lives will only bring about what is best for man... May we each yield to You ... and become one who glorifies our heavenly Father.... and may You be blessed in and through the process... May we ever see... through Your eyes... and  receive with a grateful and loving heart.


This Prayer and Meditation is a Chapter in the Free On-Line Spiritual Reality Book: A Journey in Time ~ Holy Spirit Inspired Prayers.  It is available as a Free On Line Download and in days to come will be available for sale in a Book Format, for those who prefer such.

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